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Check out the list of providers on our "Find a Provider" page. We are adding more every week, so check back often. If you don't find one in your area, please send us a message!
Yes! Thousands of patients have received IYASHI's Limfa® Therapy without any adverse effects.
If you are pregnant, or have an electronic heart implant such as a pace maker or defibrillator, IYASHI's Limfa® Therapy is not appropriate.
IYASHI's Limfa® Therapy was approved by European Regulators in 2013, receiving the Medical Device Regulations (MDR) certificate (formerly known as CE). The FDA is finalizing our 501k application. All treatments provided by healthcare providers should always come with with your informed consent.
Unfortunately, not yet. But we are working with the US regulatory and health insurance providers to set up reimbursement - so keep checking back. And we encourage you not to wait; the treatment is offered by our healthcare partners at rates we are sure you will find reasonable - and that come with a huge return on your investment.